Hospice Circle of Love Book Spring Book Sale goes Strong for over 30 years


Only 1 hour into the bi-annual spring Hospice Circle of Love Book Sale, there were already dozens of people lined up to purchase books. According to Community Relations Director Julie Nelson, the sale would receive up to 600 customers between Friday and Saturday. A lot of work goes into getting the thousands of books available ready to go.

Volunteer Jovita Lang, who has been a hospice volunteer for over 20 years says that volunteers work year-round to make sure the bi-annual book sales are ready to go.

Something unique about the sale is the astronomically low prices. Hardbacks cost a dollar while softcovers are 50 cents, regardless of the book’s condition, age, or rarity.

Lang even says that sometimes you can even find rare books that are unavailable in stores or online. The event has been ongoing for over 30 years and Hospice Circle of Love has never canceled a sale, not even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As for the proceeds from the sale, they go to hospice patients that don’t have insurance to make sure that they are well cared for in their final days.


Click on the links below to hear the interviews with Lang and Nelson.



