Enid Regional Development Alliance looks to Help Enid Compete for Manufacturing Companies in the Coming Years


The ERDA held a special meeting at the Autry Technology Center Thursday, July 7th at 10:00 am. One of the items on the agenda was whether or not to extend the contract with Ricky Hayes of Retail Attractions.

Haye’s contract was extended unanimously, Hayes has been instrumental in retail recruitment for Enid which has brought in a bevy of new retail stores within the last few years. Executive Director of the ERDA Lisa Murkowski made a presentation on several industries that could be convinced to move into the city of Enid.

Such industries included surfacent manufacturing, manufacturing, and more. These are all industries that have already targeted the state of Oklahoma or the Midwest as a region the companies would like to move to.

COVID-19 lockdowns and high taxes are reasons some companies are looking to move out of urban communities and into the middle of the country. Enid will have a chance to compete with other Midwest cities for these companies in the coming years.