Meet Enid Mayoral Candidate David Mason


Mayoral candidate and former Enid Ward 6 Commissioner David Mason spoke with about his upcoming mayoral election. Mason was asked why he wants to run for Mayor, he answered saying “ultimately it’s probably for selfish reasons we have sons and 2 grandsons that I hope are able to find jobs and live here in Enid so we can see grandkids on a regular basis”.

Bringing more jobs to Enid is one of Mason’s top priorities and he sees the Kaw Lake Water Supply Project as one of the keys to expanding Enid. “You can’t wait until you are thirsty to start digging a well” an expression Mason is fond of saying.

Mason says that the city of Enid produces 21 million gallons of water per day but sees the usage of 18 million gallons per day. Mason sees this as a problem that needs to be addressed if Enid wants to expand.

Mason also mentioned youth sports as one of his top priorities if elected.

Listen to the full interview here.