Billie Eilish Shares Common Bond With Justin Bieber


In an interview with Conan O’Brien, Billie Eilish shared a personal story about Justin Bieber.

Eilish and Bieber both had success in their early teens and share that common bond. She says that growing up in the spotlight wasn’t easy and she’s thankful for his friendship. She said, “He just doesn’t give up on me, and I know that sounds stupid, but it’s really true.”

Bieber told her that he’s glad she has someone to talk to because he understands exactly what she’s going through. He said “Almost nobody in the world can know what it was like except you and me and a few others.”

The full episode of the Conan O’Brien podcast is now streaming online.


  • Eilish and Bieber both had success in their early teens and share that common bond.
  • Bieber told her “Almost nobody in the world can know what it was like except you and me and a few others.”