Powerball jackpot jumps to $725 million

(NEW YORK) -- The Powerball jackpot for Wednesday's drawing rose to $725 million after no one won on Monday.A single winner would take home an estimated $366.2 million cash option before taxes -- the ninth-largest Powerball jackpot on record.There was no big winner on... Read More.

Monday’s Powerball jackpot jumps to $675 million

(NEW YORK) -- The Powerball jackpot for Monday's drawing rose to $675 million after no one won on Saturday.A single winner would have taken home an estimated $340.9 million cash option before taxes -- the ninth largest Powerball jackpot on record and the second... Read More.

What to know about the potential UPS Teamsters strike

(NEW YORK) -- Negotiations broke down this week between UPS and its Teamster-represented workers, weeks before their contract is set to expire.As a potential strike looms, UPS workers across the country have been holding "practice pickets," holding signs that say, "Just practicing for a... Read More.