Touchdown! Blue Origin rocket, carrying William Shatner, blasts into space and lands safely

William Shatner has officially become the planet's oldest space traveler.The Star Trek actor, famous for playing starship Enterprise Captain James T. Kirk, blasted off into space at 10:50 a.m. Eastern time, aboard Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket, along with microbiologist Glen de Vries, Planet Labs founder Chris Boshuizen and Blue Origin's Audrey Powers. The mission, officially designated NS-18, took... Read More.

Lifelong Trekkie and Hollywood producer calls William Shatner’s real-life star trek “nothing short of amazing”

This morning, William Shatner blasts off with three others on board Blue Origin's New Shepard rocket, bound for space. The moment is being eagerly anticipated by Trekkies the world over, including Brian Volk-Weiss, the producer of Netflix's popular Movies That Made Us series. But Volk-Weiss explains the significance of the event isn't... Read More.