Life-threatening heat heading to East Coast: Latest maps

(NEW YORK) -- Another round of life-threatening heat is slamming the West before heading to the East Coast.Temperatures are expected to skyrocket Tuesday to 103 degrees in Sacramento, California; 108 in Las Vegas; and a scorching 110 in Phoenix.By Wednesday and Thursday, the record... Read More.

Trumps probation officials meeting was cordial, routine: Sources

(NEW YORK) -- Former President Donald Trump’s interview Monday with New York City probation officials lasted just under a half-hour, sources familiar with it told ABC News.Trump participated in the interview remotely from Mar-a-Lago.His defense attorney, Todd Blanche, was with him. Unlike most defendants,... Read More.

Baltimore shipping channel fully reopens after Key Bridge collapse

(BALTIMORE) -- The Baltimore shipping channel where the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed has fully reopened following the catastrophic collision in March, authorities said Monday.The Fort McHenry Federal Channel has been restored to its original operational dimensions for commercial maritime transit through the Port... Read More.

FBIs latest data show historic drop in crime: Garland

(WASHINGTON) -- The first three months of 2024 saw a continued drop in levels of violent crime and murder across the country, according to data released by the FBI on Monday -- a trend that Attorney General Merrick Garland called "historic."Reported incidents of violent... Read More.