Bipartisan pair of lawmakers push to protect children online

(WASHINGTON) -- Sens. Richard Blumenthal and Marsha Blackburn introduced bipartisan legislation Tuesday focused on protecting children online and holding social media companies accountable as cries mount for improved safety features.The legislation would mandate independent annual audits to assess risks to minors, require social media companies... Read More.

Montana trans lawmaker Zooey Zephyr sues state over censure

(HELENA, Mont.) -- Montana state legislator Zooey Zephyr is suing the state, House Speaker Matt Regier and Sergeant at Arms for the Montana House of Representatives Bradley Murfitt after being censured by House Republicans."The recent actions violate my 1st amendment rights, as well as... Read More.

Three states pass major gun control reform packages

(DENVER) -- Governors in two states passed major gun control legislation this week and a third is poised to do the same soon.On Friday, Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed the legislative package that included a longer waiting period for firearm sales, and an increase in... Read More.