Supreme Court upholds Obamacare health care law

(WASHINGTON) -- The Supreme Court on Thursday, in a long-anticipated decision, upheld the Affordable Care Act in a case challenging whether the individual mandate can be severed from the rest of the law -- or whether the whole law must be struck down.The court... Read More.

Attorney general unveils Biden strategy to counter domestic terrorism

(WASHINGTON) -- The number of domestic terrorism investigations has "increased significantly" over the past year, Attorney General Merrick Garland said Tuesday, unveiling the Biden administration's new strategy to counter domestic terrorism."Over generations to come, the national strategy recognizes that we cannot prevent every attack,... Read More.

Senate progressives threaten to tank bipartisan infrastructure deal

(WASHINGTON) -- Progressive Democrats are threatening to sink a bipartisan infrastructure proposal if they do not receive assurances that moderate and conservative members of their own party would back a go-it-alone effort to pass President Joe Biden's other key infrastructure priorities.Those progressives want a... Read More.