W Broadway to be reduced to 2 lanes

City of Enid Engineering officials announced that, today, Monday, November 4, 2019, West Broadway Avenue between North Monroe Street and North Madison Street will be reduced to two lane traffic. The closures will allow a contractor to replace rooftop mechanical units... Read More.

Thunderstorms knock out power for parts of Enid

As the early Friday storms rolled through Enid dropping over an inch of rain, about 350 Enid residents found themselves without electricity.Oklahoma Gas and Electric tweeted the following in response: "Just over 2,300 customers remain without power due to Monday night's storm system. Estimated... Read More.

Crimestoppers Crime of the Week!

During the early morning hours of 08/07/2019 several vehicles were burglarized on 4800 Spring Ridge Rd. and nearby 4600 Wheatland in southwest Enid. The items stolen include purses, wallets, cash, and a .45 caliber handgun. The handgun, which was stolen from a vehicle on... Read More.