The 2020 Oklahoma 8-man football all-star game takes place in Miami, Oklahoma on Saturday. But before that could all take place, local football stars from Pond Creek-Hunter nearly swept the house by taking home four of the top awards at the football banquet on Friday night.
Pond Creek-Hunter’s football team went 14-0 last season, on their way to the Class C State Championship.
Noah Miller received offensive player of the year
Photo credit to Kerri Willis Kerr
Xavier Smith received defensive player of the year
Photo credit to Kerri Willis Kerr
Pond Creek-Hunter’s head coach David Kerr and assistant coaches received head coach and assistant coaches of the year
Photo credit to Kerri Willis Kerr
And the entire team was honored as the Class C State Champions
Photo credit to Kerri Willis Kerr
The game will take place at 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 18 at the Miami Multi-Purpose Sports Complex at Red Robertson Field located at NEO A&M College. Gates will open at 4 p.m. Cost for the game is $5 for all ages. OEMFCA Corporate sponsor passes are the only pass accepted at the gate.