Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong Singles Out Band’s Best Song, Album


Green Day‘s Billie Joe Armstrong has singled out the band's best single and album — the 10-minute 2004 tune “Jesus Of Suburbia” and the Kerplunk album, which was released in 1991.

Of the song, he told Vulture, “‘Jesus of Suburbia'” is the one that sticks out. It’s so epic. I mean, I’m tooting my own horn, but I think it encompasses so much about my life and friendship and family, and it’s flamboyant and big and bombastic. It’s one of those moments where I was feeling like I wanted to take a big risk. It’s so fun to play live, seeing how the entire crowd sings along. It’s just one of those songs.”

Of the album, Armstrong said, “It’s kind of autobiographical. We wrote that record when I was 18, 19 years old, and it was at a time before punk became mainstream. There’s something about it that feels like a fanzine. All of us were living together, living in bands together. It was a coming of age in a way . . .”

Armstrong added that he's hopeful the Green Day tour with Fall Out Boy and Weezer can still happen this year in the U.S.