Justin Chancellor Reveals Tool Is Working On New Music Together


In a new interview with Kerrang!, Tool bassist Justin Chancellor shared insight into new music that the progressive metal band is working on. Chancellor revealed details about “a couple of solid skeletons of songs” that Tool are busy writing together in weekly studio sessions. “Some ideas go back to before Fear Inoculum, that are just simple riffs that we never incorporated into a song,” said Chancellor. “But sometimes that’s a bit like grinding the gears when you’re trying to resurrect or revisit them, so it’s really appealing to work on the newest stuff. Each time we come together, people also have so many new ideas and then we’ll spend all day playing them. We’re constantly introducing new stuff but then sometimes that’ll marry with the old material. We’ve been writing for the last couple of weeks, meeting a couple of times each week – we’ve had some really good sessions.” (Louder Sound)