Gingers unite: Ed Sheeran spent most of lockdown on the phone with Lewis Capaldi


Ed Sheeran and Lewis Capaldi became friends when Lewis opened for Ed on his last tour.  But now it turns out that the two redhead singer/songwriters had quite the lockdown bromance going on.

“Actually, most of my lockdown was spent on the phone to him,” Ed said of Lewis during an interview on the U.K.’s Hits Radio Breakfast Show

“He reminds me so much of myself in, like, on my first album and his first album. I know how much pressure he’s putting on himself — and the label’s putting on him and everyone else in the world — on his second album; and second albums are so important,” he added. “So we just called a lot…and we had long chats about…life.”

But forget about that — did Ed and Lewis write any songs together?

“I was thinking, ‘Did we?’ But yeah, we did!  We wrote a tune, and it’s actually pretty good!” Ed revealed. “I don’t know if it’s gonna end up on his project, but we definitely wrote a tune that was good.”

During the interview, Ed also revealed that he named his baby daughter Lyra Antarctica because she was conceived during the trip to Antarctica that he and his wife Cherry took in December of 2019.

He also confirmed during the interview that he revealed the name of his upcoming album on the logo he created for the shirts he sponsored for his local soccer team.  The logo says “+ – = ÷ x Tour.”  And since Ed has already released albums named Plus, Divide and Multiply, that means the new album is either named Equals or Minus. 

However: The minus sign on the logo isn’t fully filled in, so it’s more likely that the album will be named Equals, with Minus coming later.

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