Lizzo opens up on ‘Good Morning America’ about recent bullying following release of new single, “Rumors”


Lizzo is known for her hit songs and confidence, but the singer is opening up about how comments from haters on social media are hurtful.

In an interview with ABC’s Good Morning America, the singer addressed some of the vitriolic messages that were directed at her following the release of her latest song, “Rumors” with Cardi B.

“I don’t mind critiques about me — my music,” Lizzo told GMA. “I don’t even mind the fat comments, you know. I just feel like it’s unfair sometimes, the treatment that people like me receive.”

After the release of her new song, Lizzo took to Instagram in a 13-minute live post — which is now on YouTube — about the abuse she said she’s received. She told GMA that while she’s ignored some of the negativity in the past, it can be hard sometimes.

“People are like, don’t let ‘em see you with your head down,” she said. “My head is always up. Even when I’m upset and even when I’m crying, my head is up. But I know it’s my job as an artist to reflect at times, and this should not fly. This shouldn’t be okay.”

“God doesn’t give me anything I cannot handle,” she said. “And God also gave me the gift to be fearless in my vulnerability, to help inspire people. I don’t ever mean to alarm someone. People just need to know I’ve got this.”

Lizzo said she hopes her fans practice self-love just as she does.

“Just remember that self-love is a journey. It doesn’t happen miraculously one day,” she said. “…There are gonna be beautiful days where you’re lookin’ in the mirror-like, ooh, and then there’s days where you’re like, unh-uh. But all of those days is an opportunity to love yourself.”

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