City to Vote on Emergency Declaration Tonight


(Enid, OK) The city of Enid will be meeting tonight by web conference to officially approve the updated emergency declaration set forth by Mayor Pankonin.

The meeting is scheduled for 6:30 this evening on Zoom after last Thursday’s meeting was canceled due to an error on the agenda. Mayor Pankonin was able to sign the declaration reinstituting businesses like restaurants, salons, and several other approved businesses. Tonight’s vote will officially put that declaration in place.

The plan for reopening the city of Enid is three phases total, the first phase is expected to last until the end of the month depending on COVID-19 case numbers either falling or staying steady. In order to do so, hospital capacity must remain manageable and no more than 10% of current COVID-19 patients remain positive.

The city should see no more than five consecutive days of increase in positive tests. Phases two and three are dependent on phase one but if all goes to plan, the expected dates for reopening are June 1st and July 1st. During phase 2, more businesses will be allowed to reopen and organized religious services, and sporting events.