Enid Ward 2 Candidate Doug Boyle Releases Statement After Defeat


Enid Ward 2 candidate Doug Boyle released a statement after being defeated by incumbent Derwin Norwood in the April 5th election.

(Enid, OK, April 4, 2023) – It has been over 10 years since Ward 2 elected a representative, so no matter the results for me tonight, the winners were Ward 2 constituents. We gained over 100 more votes than the Feb. 14th election.

Even though it didn’t go my way tonight, the fact that we competed is a win. I am encouraged that so many precincts showed up to vote in this election. I’d like to say, “Congratulations, Commissioner Norwood” and I look forward to influencing the budget hearings this May. We ought to be spending more than 3.7% on streets, water lines, and sewers.

James Madison once said, “What is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections of human nature?” Tonight we are seeing the reflection of the majority of Ward 2 votes. Tonight, we saw less than 30% of voters cast their ballots. The 70% is at the whim of those 30%. I am thankful to God for our freedoms and this opportunity I was given to run in this election. I am thankful to my family and many friends that helped in this election. I’m not sure what my future in politics is, but this has been a great experience.