Hailey Bieber ‘Scared’ To Have Babies With Justin


Justin and Hailey Bieber would be more likely to start a family if they didn’t have to worry about public criticism.

The 26-year-old model told The Sunday Times that after five years of marriage, “I want kids so bad but I get scared. It’s enough that people say things about my husband or my friends. I can’t imagine having to confront people saying things about a child.”

Hailey added, “We can only do the best we can to raise them. As long as they feel loved and safe.”

Justin hasn’t been shy about his desire to have kids, having said in the documentary, Justin Bieber: Our World, “My intention for 2021 is to continue to set goals and have fun while doing them, make sure I put my family first, and hopefully we squish out a nugget.”