New Years Resolution Ideas and How to Achieve Them


Yesterday, I gave the resolution idea of getting in shape for 2023 and how to achieve it. That brings my next resolution suggestion to learn new skills.

Learning New Skills: Many of us make New Years’ resolutions to learn new skills whether that is learning to play an instrument, a new language, how to cook, or any number of things but it can be a tough resolution to make it stick.

Not knowing what to do, a lack of time, or losing interest or motivation can make all of these goals difficult to achieve. Fortunately, thanks to the internet and technology, while still difficult all of these skills are easier to learn than ever before.

If you want to learn a new instrument there are many, apps, and YouTube channels that can make the process easier than ever before. The same can be said for foreign languages, and while other skills you want to learn may not have dedicated apps, you may be able to find online courses for those at well.

However, your success or failure hinges on your consistency. Practicing the skill you want to learn for 10 minutes a day and gradually committing more time will serve you better and be more sustainable than trying to only learn on the weekends. Following the tips of the last 3 days should help you achieve your goals for 2023.