Todd from Bath Planet Talks Upcoming Fundraiser


Todd from Bath Planet Recently had an interview with EnidLIVE! about an upcoming fundraiser they are hosting.

He started off by talking about the event. “We recently were voted Enid’s best home remodeling company, and to show our appreciation to our local customers and all of the people in surrounding cities, we’re having a big open house at our showroom on 1601 West Chestnut in Enid. We have live music, we have Robert Allen, we have a free ice cream truck . . . door prizes, and lots of specials on bath remodeling. It’s gonna be a great time.

Todd also spoke about the agencies Bath Planet is supporting. Quoted by him, “This is a great event for us. This is our 6th annual event . . . We support two local agencies with our ‘Fill’er up 4 Teeniors’ as we call it. Its towards at-risk senior citizens and disadvantaged teens. RSVP, one of our outreach agencies, and Youth and Family Services. Those 2 agencies are local Enid Agencies.”

He finished off by talking about the gifts and where the proceeds will go. “The best gift you can give is cash. That allows the agencies to really pivot quickly for last minute situations. There are lots and lots of gifts . . . 100% of every dollar for every gift goes directly to those agencies in Enid.”