Local Organization Honors Veterans with Flag Planting Ceremonies


President of the National Veterans Flagpoles United Cale Grauberger spoke with Enidlive about his organization and what they do for veterans. What the organization does is go out to the homes of veterans and plant flag poles in their yards and present the veteran with a flag.

A ceremony is held and a flag that was flown on a Blackhawk Helicopter is presented to the veteran. Grauberger said that his organization planted around 50 flags for veterans last year. Grauberger told a touching story about a veteran who was a purple heart recipient “that veteran said that is the highest reward he had ever received”.

Grauberger says that his organization will be planting several flags on Saturday, June 18th in the Enid area and is in need of volunteers. To volunteer, you can contact Grauberger via the National Veterans Flagpoles United Facebook page. Or you can just show up at the Oakwood mall at 9:00 am on the 18th where volunteers will be gathering before flags are planted.

Listen to the full interview with Grauberger here https://soundcloud.com/derek-darr-389435489/cale-grauberger-interview-veteran-flag-02